Spay and Neuter FAQs

At Alpha Animal Hospital in Campbell, we are often asked whether spaying or neutering a pet is truly necessary. While we can't make that decision for you, we are always happy to provide the most up-to-date information, research, and testimonials from other clients.

Spay and Neuter FAQs

Although we believe the benefits of this common procedure are overwhelming, we understand that it may not be the right choice for everyone. We welcome you to visit for a thoughtful question and answer session regarding this topic, but in the meantime, we've created a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding spaying and neutering.

1. What is the Best Age to Spay or Neuter?

Typically, the average age for pets to be spayed or neutered is between 4–5 months. However, depending on the size and breed of the pet, your veterinary professional may recommend waiting a few extra months.

2. How Long Does it Take to Recover From Spay/Neuter Surgery?

Your pet will start to feel better between 24–48 hours after the surgery. However, it will take at least 10–14 days for them to resume all regular activities such as going for walks, climbing, and jumping.

3. What is the Difference Between Spaying and Neutering?

Both procedures render your pet sterile and unable to reproduce. Spaying refers to the surgical removal of the female's uterus and ovaries. Neutering is the surgical removal of the male testes.

4. What Are the Benefits of This Procedure?

It's been shown that pets that are spayed and neutered live longer and healthier lives. They are less likely to engage in negative behaviors like spraying, running away, property destruction, and howling. Additionally, by spaying or neutering your pet, you are doing your part to control the pet population.

5. Will Spaying or Neutering Make My Pet Less Affectionate?

Pets that are "fixed" often become calmer and, because they aren't focused on mating and wandering, they are more likely to seek out their owner for companionship.

6. Is Spaying and Neutering Safe?

While there's always a risk when a pet is put under anesthesia, the risks of this common procedure are extremely low when performed on a healthy animal. The mortality rate is 0.05% for dogs and 0.01% for cats.

Contact Alpha Animal Hospital in Campbell, CA

If you're looking to have your pet spayed or neutered by an experienced veterinarian near you in Campbell, look no further than Alpha Animal Hospital. Our compassionate team will be here to ensure a successful procedure and quick recovery. Call our team today at (408) 559-7700 to learn more or to schedule an appointment.


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